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29 octobre 2010

When you're riding at high speeds on the highway

When you're riding at high speeds on the highway or freeway on your motorcycle, your mirrors are your lifeline to the traffic activity around and behind you. Frequently checking the mirrors not only directly behind you but also in the lanes beside you will give you constant security. There are also tricks to getting the maximum rearview mirror coverage for your motorcycle once you've adjusted it correctly. Read below for some safety tips when adjusting your mirrors for safety on those busy, crowded and fast-paced roads.

.Difficulty: Easy


Aim your mirrors so that the inside edge just covers the lane behind you. This will give you the greatest coverage directly behind, as well as coverage of the lane next to you.

Use convex lenses. These are the safest mirrors and allow a maximum view.

Consider installing Motorcycle Mirrors with a rectangular or teardrop shape, which offer better rearview coverage, if your stock mirrors are adjusted and still insufficient.

Motorcycle mirrors tend to vibrate at high speeds. Find the sweet spots on your speedometer when the vibration stops, and adjust your throttle to take advantage of those spots when checking your mirrors. You can also use your left hand to steady a left mirror for a glance when you deem it's safe enough.
